中国在二十一世纪进入了“银发浪潮”时代 ,老年人问题已不再是一个单纯、简单的社会问题 ,而是一个遍及世界各国的复杂问题。本文试图通过对老年人力资源及开发的界定和老年人力资源开发现状 ,老年人力资源开发的必要性和可行性的剖析 ,来揭示老年体育对老年人力资源开发的重要作用 ,以期促进我国老年人力资源的可持续发展和利用 ,缓解社会压力 ,加速我国社会主义现代化建设进程。
It has become an aged era in china 21 century. The problem of the aged is not single and simple but complex and serious. By defining the concept and analyzing actuality? necessity and feasibility, the article trends to reveal the important relation between the aged sport and resources development, in order to continue developing and using the aged resources. As a result, it can retard the social pressure and rapidly accomplish the socialist modernization
Fujian Sports Science and Technology