
安全壳模型的振动台地震模拟试验 被引量:1

The Test on Shaking Table for the Containment Model
摘要 为了验证安全壳地震反应计算方法的可靠性,作者对几何尺寸缩比为1/15的安全壳模型进行了振动台地震模拟试验研究.在试验过程中,模型多次出现振荡现象,作者对此现象作了分析,并在数据处理方法上做了技术处理.研究结果表明:实测与理论计算结果非常一致,表明所用的计算方法是可靠的.同时也证明了作者对振荡现象采取的处理方法是可行、有效的. In order to verify the reliability of the computation method of earthquake responses of the containment for nuclear power stations, a group of model tests with a scale model of 1/15 on the shaking table have been conducted by the authors. In the test procedure, the oscillation appeared many times, and the data processing was introduced in the analysis in order to eliminate the oscillation phenomena. The test results arc almost the same with the theoretical calculation.It shows that the computation method is reliable and the data processing is feasible and effective.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 1994年第4期523-528,共6页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
关键词 核电站 振动台 地震模拟试验 安全壳 Nuclear power station Containment Shaking table test Modal analysis Data processing
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