The naked mouse demi-embryos incubating for 0 h, 2-4 h. and 20-24 hrs before deepfreezing were compared. The developing rate of these when in cubated in PBS containing20% FCS or sheep serum and humid air at 38℃ for 48 h was 14.55% (8/55), 26.67%(12/45) and 6.12% (3/49), respectively. The developmtneal rate of the frozen defrosteddemi-embryos with zona pellucida and demi-embryos with zona pellucida embedded inagar in vitro culture were 56.67% (17 / 30) and 64.29% (18 / 28). The developing rate ofmouse demi-embryos with zona pellucida in vitro culture after guick freezing defrosting inPBS solution containing 3.5 M glycerol and 0.5 M sucrose was 62.00% (31 / 50). Tenbovine demi-embryos with zona pellucida and embedded in agar were frozen with ordinaryway, and transferred to five recipient cows after defrosting, two demi--embryos per recipient. Pregnancy diagnosis revealed one pregnant animal. The pregnant rate of transferredbovine demi-embryos, bisected after freezing the whole embryos, was 28.56% (4 / 14).
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition