本文报告22例轻中型颅脑损伤的临床、CT 和 MRI 检查,对其头部着力部位、颅内结构损害、CT 和 MRI 所见进行了研究,发现轻中型颅脑损伤的受伤方式、头部着力部位和颅内损害的部位和性质和重型颅脑损伤相似,而只是程度的差异。主要的颅内损害,CT 和 MRI 所见大致相同,对颅底、纵裂、颅板下、脑表面及脑深部的较小病变,MRI 优于 CT。本组2例中度脑挫裂伤,二次 CT 未见明显异常,MRI 见广泛脑挫裂伤。认为当临床和 CT 不相符合时,MRI 是一个值得采用的检查方法。
Clinical,CT and MR were studied in 22 patientswith acute mild and moderate head injury.Most of thelesions could be detected by CT,it was rapid,pain-less. CT scan remains the first choice for the patientswith acutd head injury.For main intracranial traumaticlesion,CT is similar to MR,but MR is superior to CTin the detection smaller lesions of skull base,sub-skullplate,cerebrol longitudinal fissure or superficalpart and deep parenchyma.There were 2 eases withsymptoms of brain contussion,twice CT scan werenegative but MRI showed diffused brain injuries.Ifclinical and CT are paradoxical,MRI is a worthy con-sidered examination.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery