本文针对我国商标注册与管理工作中出现的商标权与姓名权的冲突问题 ,从法理的角度分析了冲突产生的原因、解决的方式 ,以及判定商标权侵犯姓名权的标准。在此基础上 ,就此类案件的法律适用 ,作者提出了自己的一些见解。最后 ,就如何减少此类冲突的发生 。
In view of the conflict between trademark right and name right that exists in China's trademark registration and management, this paper analyses the cause and solution of such conflict as well as the criteria by which trademark right's infringement of name right is judged from the perspective of juristic theories. Then, the author states her own viewpoints on the legal application of this sort of cases and finally makes a discussion on how to reduce conflicts of this kind.