投资基金法的立法宗旨应在该法的第1条明文规定,其内容应包括投资 者利益的保护和公共利益的保护。在立法方式上,对于公共利益的保护应采取概括式加列举式的方法,对投资者利益的保护应采取概括式的方法。
The legislative purpose of investment fund law is not only the important foundation for us to master its basic spirit and legislative structure, one norm of its legislative explanation,but also the foundation for th e authorities to administrate and guide the relevant activities. Therefore , to probe this question has significance both in theory and in practice. The aut hor argues that the legislative purpose should be provided in article of the above-said law. With its contents including the protection of the investors and public interests. As to the mode of legislation, the p rotection of public in terests should adopt the method of summary and enumeration, whereas the protec tion of the investors should be provided only by the method of summary.
Hebei Law Science