一般人格权不仅是相对于具体人格权的概念 ,也是相对于人格权的概念 ;把一般人格权解释为具体人格权的抽象 ,那就必然等同于人格权 ,这将无法把握其真正的含义。从一般人格权产生的过程来看 ,一般人格权是作为具体人格权的补充而提出的。一般人格权的内容不是人格独立、人格自由、人格尊严和人格平等 ,而是权利主体对法律规定的具体人格权客体以外的人身要素和人格要素的支配 。
General personality right is a concept relative to the concept of concrete personality right and to concept of personality right. It cannot grasp its genuine meaning to explain general personality right as concrete one and thus reduce it to personality right. Originally, general personality right is supplement to concrete right. The contents of general personality right are not personality independence, personality freedom, personal dignity and personality equality, but the uncertainty of predominance of right subjectivity over personal and personality elements beyond concrete rights defined by law.
Academia Bimestris