用肾综合征出血热病毒陈株(Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome Virus,HFRSV Strain Chen)感染乳鼠,检测11株大鼠单克隆抗体(McAb)对感染乳鼠的保护作用。结果表明,其中4株McAb被动使用后对感染乳鼠有较高的保护作用。McAb保护力的大小与使用抗体中和活性有无、使用时间的早晚有密切的关系。同时发现多种McAb混合使用保护效果优于单一运用的保护作用。本文亦分析了McAb在活体内的保护作用与其它抗病毒保护机制的关系。
To evaluate protection of monoclonal antibodes (McAbs) against hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome virus (HFRSV) in suckling mice in vivo, suckling mice were infected at 2-4 days of age by intraperitoneal injection with 100LD50 dose of HFRSV strain Chen and the suckling mice were protected by i. p. injection with 11 rat McAbs against HFRSV respectively at 24 hour after infection. It was found that the protective rates of four rat McAbs (DF11, DF2, BH4, and X10) were distinct between 63-86%, the protective rates of McAbs BF2 and CH10 were 38-43% ,and the other McAbs could prolong survival time of the infected mice,It was also observed that McAbs with different neutral activities possessed different protection, whereas those without neutral activity had no protection. The results indicated that protection of McAbs was associated with its neutralization. Other data also confirmed that the earlier McAbs was used, the more efficiency could obtain in suckling mice from HFRSV infection, and protecting effect of mixture of different McAbs was superior to that of single McAb and immune serum.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Monoclonal antibody, Protection.