在渠道水力学和河流动力学研究的基础上 ,对不规则河流形态下的纵向流速分布和弯道水流进行了讨论 ,并分析了任意断面和垂线位置的流场计算公式。在综合各种泥沙动力学研究成果基础之上 ,探讨了在天然河流中的悬移质输沙能力与沉积条件 ,分析了河床质起动的控制性因素及推移质输沙方程。提出了受冲淤影响的河床质粒径组成和动态递推公式。结合这些流场与泥沙计算方法及河床形态调整技术 ,作者提出一个准三维河流动力学模型。该模型只需要河流几何形状、入流条件以及泥沙级配参数 ,能够模拟出不规则几何形态的河道断面流速分布及平面流场分布 ,并且对于弯道水流特征与泥沙输送 -沉积特征也能得到较好的表现。该模型是对有关河流演变理论和实验成果的综合应用 。
The flow features and velocity distribution of meandering rivers are analyzed on the basis of channel hydraulics and river dynamics. Several formulas for velocity field computation at river cross_section and any position in river are proposed. Based on the recent research results on river sediment, the author explores the transport capacity and deposition condition of suspended load in mountainous rivers. The control factors for the incipient motion of bed material and the transport equation for bed load have been analyzed. A recurrence formula used to determine the size distribution of bed material in case of scouring or deposition had been derived. Combining the computation of velocity field and sediment transportation with the adjusting technique of river geometry, a quasi_3D dynamic model for fluvial processes have been proposed. The model needs only data for river geometric, inflow processes and sediment parameters, and can simulate the flow velocity fields for both water surface and cross_section for rivers with different geometric conditions including the flow features of meandering river. This model can be seen as a summary and comprehensive application of the related theory and experiment results on fluvial processes. It will be a powerful tool for the study of river_bed change in case of hyperconcentration of sediment in mountainous region.
Mountain Research
国家自然科学基金重点项目!(498310 10 )资助
fluvial processes
sediment transport
velocity field computation
digital simulation