服务质量是因特网发展中最重要的方面之一 .最初被用来数据通信的因特网现在实时应用中越来越多地被用到 ,这使得要求更好的服务质量成为需要 .文章先回顾一下 IP服务质量的概念 ,然后分析在因特网中几种服务模型和机制 :综合业务模型 。
The quality of service is one of the most i mp ortant areas of Internet development.As the Internet originally developed for d ata communications is now used more and more for real-time applications, there is a need for better service than the 'best effort'.It reviewed the c oncept of quality of service,and studied the two most important models to p rovide QoS in the Internet: the integrated services model and the differentiated services model.
Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Natural Science Edition