自我效能感是行为者对自己在特定情境中是否有操作能力的预期。由于许多原因,后进生的自我效 能感水平普遍低下,这是他们丧失学习信心、品德和学习成绩下降、人际关系恶化的主要原因。培养和提高 后进生的自我效能感是教育工作的重要目标。教师要充满爱心,帮助后进生掌握正确的学习策略、归因方式 和人生目标,对他们的进步要及时表扬,以培养他们的学习兴趣,激发他们的学习动机。
Self-efficacy is an expectation which doers have to see whether they have abilities of operations in special situations. Owing to many causes, low self-efficacy makes backward students lose learning confidence, poor in morality and school report, hard to get on with other people. Cultivating and improving these backward students’ self-efficacy is an important goal for education, so teachers should send love to them, help them to master the correct learning strategy, attributing form and aim in life, to praise them timely for their progress so as to stir their learning interest and motivation.