“伤痕文学”有三种体验类型 :惊羡型文本在“伤痕”袒露中想象令人乐观的生活图景或远景 ;感愤型文本强化“伤痕”的现在持续绵延景观及其难解症结并灌注进个人的感愤或感伤 ;回瞥型文本在掀开旧伤记忆的同时不忘回瞥过去的温馨。社会修辞能量在这三类文本中依次递减 ,即惊羡型文本的社会修辞能量最大 ,其次是感愤型文本 ,最弱的是回瞥型文本。而从文学的审美价值维度看 ,这三类文本的价值却相反依次递增。审美价值最高的是以审美回忆为主导的充满流兴的回瞥型文本。文学的社会力量实际上不简单决定于政治或审美要素的单方面作用 ,而是取决于多重要素的复杂的合力作用。在特定的分类文本中 ,这些多重要素可能彼此错位而无法完满协调。
Experiences in “Trauma Literature” are of three types of texts: texts of admiration that imagine an optimistic or promising future of life; texts of resentment that highlight the traumatic dimension of the “Trauma” and express personal sentiment or resentment of it; and texts of recollection that are nostalgic for the good old days in their remembrance of the tragic past. In all the three types, the capacity of social rhetoric successively decreases, that is, from the strongest texts of admiration to the weakest texts of recollection, with texts of resentment in between. On the contrary, the aesthetic value in these texts increases progressively in the opposite direction, that is, those texts with the weakest capacity of social rhetoric present the highest aesthetic value which is expressed mainly by means of recollection. As a matter of fact, the social power of literature is not simply determined by its political or aesthetical elements but by a complicated synthesis of multiple forces. In a particular classified text, these forces are displaced and cannot be perfectly reconciled with one another.
Literature & Art Studies