为了适应生物技术和生物经济的挑战 ,我国将需要更多的精业务、能研发、会市场操作和管理的生物医药创业者群体。复旦大学生命科学学院和药学院跨学科联合 ,并与企业合作 ,共建“国家生命科学与技术人才培养基地” ,培养创新、创业、复合型的高质量生物医药人才。人才培养基本框架为 :加强基础 ,注重实践 ,分流培养 ,本硕贯通。实行以学分制管理的多项选择课程体系 ,加强学生的个性化培养 。
To meet the challenge of Biotechnology and Bioeconomics, our country needs more talents who know science, technology and market operation, and can do R&D and administration work in the field of Biomedicine. The School of Life Science and the School of Pharmacy, Fudan University, with different discipline and speciality, united and cooperated with enterprises for establishing the “State Cultivate Base for Life Science and Technology Talents”. The train objective is to cultivate innovative and complex type, high qualities talents, who engage in R&D and management of new technology and new products in Biomedicine. The curriculum frameworks are different from traditional Bioscience and Pharmacy. The specialties are de-emphasized; instead, the foundation and ability cultivation are emphasized. The different courses are mutual associated and coordinated. The credit system is implemented to put more room for students to study knowledge on their own initiative, and to practice in labs and even in corporations.
Pharmaceutical Education