从地球科学到地球系统科学的研究 ,揭示了人与自然、人与地球的密切联系 ,为可持续发展理论及科学发展观提供了科学基础。地球科学内蕴的无穷自然奥秘和丰富哲学理念 ,彰显地学文化的博大精深 ,在各类科学文化中独树一帜。大力发展地学文化 ,普及地学知识 ,是在当前国情下 ,树立和落实科学发展观的实际行动。
From the study of geoscience to earth system science, the close relationship between human and nature, human and earth is exposed, which offers the science basis for the sustainable development theory and the concept of scientific development. The endless natural profound mystery and abundant philosophy concept inside geoscience make earth science culture broad and deep, and has its own colors in all science cultures. Developing earth science culture and popularizing earth science knowledge are the practical activity to set up and carry out the concept of scientific development in the present situation.
earth system science
the concept of scientific development
earth science culture