我国洪水预报系统的发展过程可分为四个主要阶段,其中的第四阶段是在“全国水情信息及洪水预报预测业务系统”的基础上开发的基于浏览器 /服务器(B/S)结构的Web洪水预报调度系统.该系统的主要功能有基于WebGIS的面向对象的空间信息管理和查询、实时水情快速信息查询分析、洪水预报调度等,开发的关键技术有ASP技术、COM和ActiveX、JAVA程序等.本系统已于 2001年在松花江、永定河等流域投入使用,并在近几年的使用中不断完善.
The development of the flood forecasting system can be divided into four stages, in which the fourth stage is the flood forecasting and regulating system based on Web with the structure of brower/server(B/S) developed on the basis of “The National Water Regime Information and Flood Forecasting System”. The main founctions of the system are object oriented space information management and inquiring based on WebGIS; real-time water regime information inquiring and analysis; flood forecasting and regulating;for which the key techniques developed are ASP; COM; and Active X; JAVA programs. The system has been put into operation within the basins of Songhuajiang River; Yongdinghe River and orther rivers since 2001 and the continuous improvement has been made during the operation in the recent years as well.
Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering