Multiple-element and routine extraction procedures, including AB/D, Mehlich II, 0.5mol/L NaHCOs(OLSEN), 1 mol/L NH4OAc(AAC), 0.1mol/L HC1, Ca(H2PO4)2, H2O and Oxalate-Oxalic acid buffer solution(Tamm), were used to extract available nutrients in soils. Inductively coupled plasma stomic emission spectrometry was used to simultaneously determine the available nutrients in the extracts. The extraction solution was diluted 2-4 times with 10% HC1 and the standard series working solution was matched with the corresponding extractant. That is for match both matrix of the extracting solution and the standard working solution to a simular ones in order to reduce interference of organic compond and salinity in extraction solution from extractant and soil. The analytical results of the multiple-element extraction procedures were compared with those routin procedures, and the correlation analysis of methods were carried out to evaluate the availability of multiple-element extraction and determination Results showed that AB/D procedure was more satisfactory to determination of available nutrients P, K, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, Ca and also including S, Mo, B in soil.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Soil Testing of available nutrients Interfering factor Multiple-element extraction procedure Correlativity ICP-AES