本文首先分析了图书馆学教育现状 ,指出了专业教育存在的缺点 ,并根据社会对整个教育事业的要求和图书馆学专业自身发展的需要 ,指出专业教育改革的紧迫性 ,最后从理论教学和实验教学两方面进行分析 ,提出新的课程体系 ,补充新的实验内容。
Based on the analysis of the education in library science, this thesis firstly points out the deficiency. Then it explains what the social education asks for and what is necessary to self-improving in the professional education, concluding that it is urgency to take the revolution. At last it discusses how to improve the condition with the new courses and new experiment contents designed.
Journal of Changzhou College of Information Technology