The simulated ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) mode events from three coupled GCMs with the same oceaniccomponent model, CPM0, CPM1 and FGCM0, are compared. The only difference between the CPM0 and theCPM1 comes from the coupling scheme at the airsea interface, e.g., flux anomaly coupling scheme for the former anddirect coupling scheme for the latter. The FGCM0 is also a directly coupled GCM, but its atmospheric componentmodel is the NCAR CCM3 rather than the NCC T63AGCM as in the other two coupled GCMs CPM0 and CPM1.All three coupled models show El Nio-like interannual variability in the tropic Pacific, but the FGCM0 shows a bitstronger amplitude of El Nio events and both the CPM0 and the CPM1 show much weaker amplitude than theobserved one. In the meanwhile, the quasi-biennial variability dominates in the FGCM0 simulations, and 4 a andlonger periods are significant in both the CPM0 and CPM1 models. As the El Nio events simulated by the threecoupled GCMs, the simulated Indian Ocean dipole mode events are stronger from the coupled model FGCM0 andweaker from both the CPM0 and CPM1 models than those from observation.
The simulated ENSO and Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) mode events from three coupled GCMs with the same oceaniccomponent model, CPM0, CPM1 and FGCM0, are compared. The only difference between the CPM0 and theCPM1 comes from the coupling scheme at the airsea interface, e.g., flux anomaly coupling scheme for the former anddirect coupling scheme for the latter. The FGCM0 is also a directly coupled GCM, but its atmospheric componentmodel is the NCAR CCM3 rather than the NCC T63AGCM as in the other two coupled GCMs CPM0 and CPM1.All three coupled models show El Nio-like interannual variability in the tropic Pacific, but the FGCM0 shows a bitstronger amplitude of El Nio events and both the CPM0 and the CPM1 show much weaker amplitude than theobserved one. In the meanwhile, the quasi-biennial variability dominates in the FGCM0 simulations, and 4 a andlonger periods are significant in both the CPM0 and CPM1 models. As the El Nio events simulated by the threecoupled GCMs, the simulated Indian Ocean dipole mode events are stronger from the coupled model FGCM0 andweaker from both the CPM0 and CPM1 models than those from observation.
the NationalNatural Foundation of China under contract Nos 40231004 and 40221503
the National Key Science Project of China under contract No.G200078502.