Artificial neural networks, originally inspired by their biological namesakes, are composed of many simple intercommunicating elements, or neurons, working in parallel to solve a problem. Applied present situation of artificial neural network theory for geological study is analyzed in this paper. Back-propagation (BP) neural network is a widely used artificial neural network model with the character of self-training and strong capability in solving nonlinear problems. On the basis of economic development level evaluation techniques, application of ANN theory and method, adopting 10 economic indexes, we develop BP neural network model with 10 neurons in input layer, 6 neurons in hidden layer and 1 neuron in output layer in economic development level evaluation with which Chinese economic development level in 2000 is evaluated. The run results of BP show that the regional differentiations of economic development level in China are obvious which accords with reality and the opinions of experts. The first is Shanghai with the highest economic evaluation value 4.538 and the second is Beijing, with 4.153.Guizhou province with the lowest economic evaluation value 1.146 is the last. The economic evaluation value of Shanghai is 3.96 times that of Guizhou province. According to the economic evaluation value, the shortest clustering method is adopted and 31 provinces (cities) or autonomous regions are classified into 5 groups. The first groups with the highest evaluation value include Shanghai and Beijing two cities and the last groups with the lowest evaluation value include Yunnan, Gansu and Guizhou three provinces. The provinces (cities) or autonomous regions with higher evaluation value are mainly distributed in the eastern coastal areas and the provinces (cities) or autonomous regions with lower evaluation value are mainly distributed in the middle and western areas. The economic disparities between the eastern and middle-western areas and the littoral and hinterland are the main regional economic gaps in China. The ev
Resources Science
科技部"十五"科技攻关项目(编号:2001 BA608B 15 6)。