近代欧洲是一个“危机”突起的时代 ,突出的表现是“科学的危机”。胡塞尔认为科学的危机本质上是哲学的危机 ,哲学的危机又源于理性的危机。要想摆脱诸多的危机 ,就必须恢复理性的权威。由此 ,胡塞尔追溯了理性的源头 ,剖析了近代的客观主义 ,进而构建了自己的“超理性主义”。
The early modern times of Europe was characterized by a lot of sudden crises, particularly, the “science crisis”.In Husserl's view, the science crisis was in essence a philosophical one, which originated from reason crisis. In order to go out of so many crises, the authority of reason should be restored. Hence,Husserl traced back to the origin of reason, analyzed the objectivism in the early modern times, and eventually established his “uberrationalismus”.
Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University:Social Science Edition