目的 :研究皮肤血管瘤中肥大细胞 (MC)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (BasicFibroblastGrowthbFGF)之间的关系 ,以及它们在血管瘤形成中的作用。方法 :颌面部血管瘤标本 68例 ,按Mulliken[1] 分类法将血管瘤病程分为三期 :增殖期 3 2例、退化期 2 4例、退化完成期 12例。选取 5例唇裂患者的唇部皮肤做正常对照。将每个标本连续切片 4张 ,分别行HE染色和免疫组织化学染色 ,并计算肥大细胞数和bFGF阳性率。结果 :①肥大细胞的胞浆内抗胰蛋白酶抗体显色为棕褐色 ,胞核为蓝色 ,多位于小血管管壁及其周围。各期血管瘤中肥大细胞计数分别为 :增殖期 2 1.3± 3 .0SD/HPF ,退化期 8.4± 2 .6SD/HPF ,退化完成期 3 .2± 2 .0SD/HPF。正常皮肤组织中肥大细胞计数 3 .1± 1.3SD/HPF。增殖期与退化期、退化完成相比有高度显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1)。②血管瘤中bFGF位于肥大细胞内或胞外基质中 ,增殖期bFGF染色深 ,棕褐色 ,呈阳性连续片状分布。退化期呈不连续片状分布、染色浅。退化完成期染色更浅 ,呈点状分布 ,阳性反应物少。增殖期bFGF阳性表达率 93 .75 % ,退化期 5 4.16% ,退化完成期 3 3 .3 3 %。增殖期bFGF明显高于退化期、退化完成期 ,有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。正常对照组中bFGF无表达。
Objective:To study the relationship betwe en mast cells (MC) and bas ic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and their roles in cutaneous hemangiomas .Method:Sixty-eight cases of hemangiomas were divided int o prolif erating phase(32 samples),involuting phase(24 samples), and involuted phase(12 s a mples) according to the criterica proposed by Mulliken.The control samples were obtained from the labial skin tissues of cleft lip fatients. Each speciment was successively sectioned into four slides, one for hematoxylin , the others for i mmunohistochemistry stain, mast cell count and bFGF expression analyses.Result:①The mast cells, which were trytase-positive expres sion in cytoplasm, were located along the wall of small vessels or surround them. The mast cell co unt was 21.3±3.0 SD/HPF in proliferating phase, 8.4±2.6 SD/HPF in involuting p ha se, 3.2±2.0 SD/HPF in involuted phase and 3.1±1.3 SD/HPF in nomal skin tissue, r espectively. There were remarkable differences of the mast cell count among thre e phases (P<0.01) .②The bFGF was located in mast cell cytoplasm and extro —ce llular matrix . bFGF expression was dark brown and successively distributed , li ght brown and unsuccessively distributed in involuting phase, and lighter and sp ot in involuted phase . bFGF expression was remarkblely different in proliferati ng phase from involuting and involuted phase(P<0.05).③bFGF expression an d mast cell count were statistically positive relation (r=0.35,P<0.01). Conclusion:In cutaneous hemangioma bFGF come from mast cell. T hey both play important role in the formation and development of hemangiomas. [
Journal of Clinical Stomatology