目的 探讨女大学生性别气质类型现状及与个性气质类型的关系。方法 本研究采用贝姆性别角色量表(BSRI)及艾森克人格问卷(EPQ), 对大连六所高校 1 141例女大学生进行了问卷调查。结果 在女大学生中存在着四种性别气质类型:双性化(14% )、女性化 (29. 1% )、男性化 (10. 8% )和未分化(46. 1% )。性别气质类型与个性气质类型存在着十分显著的差异。差异主要表现在内外倾向特性上,典型的外倾性占被测的 58. 1%,而双性化人格 48. 1%为多血质。结论 中国女大学生双性化人格比例不到五分之一,性别气质与个性气质相关较低。女大学生个性特点外倾性明显,心理双性化人更为突出。
Objective To study the relation between gander role’s types and personality temperament types of female undergraduate. Method By means of self-reported Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaires Inventory(EPQ), data were collected on 1141 female undergraduate from 6 universities in Dalian City. Results There were 4 kinds of gander role types in the female undergraduate: androgynous (14%), feminine (29.1%), masculine (10.8%) and undifferentiated (46.1%). Conclusion There were significantly differences between gander role's types and personality temperament types, which indicated that there was a low correlation. Significant difference existed in extraversion (58.1%), especially psychological androgyny.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science