轴类部件的损坏是工农业生产中常遇到的问题。大型轴件的损坏 (如发电机转轴、水泵泵轴以及卷扬机传动轴的损坏 )会造成重大经济损失与人身危害。同时 ,这些轴大都价格较高 ,生产周期长 ,具有较高的修复价值。传统工艺 (如手工电焊 )对轴类部件的修复存在着修复层结合强度低、工件易变形、操作难度高等问题。本文作者采用激光堆焊技术 ,进行了海水泵轴的激光修复实验。修复对象为一根已磨损的长 1.5m ,直径 30cm的海水泵轴。实验结果表明 :激光修复由于热量很快通过基体导走 ,不会造成大的热应力集中和变形 ;修复层与轴件基体是冶金结合 ,结合强度高 ,修复层更耐磨 ;数控编程等手段的运用大大提高了工作效率 ,也降低了现场操作的难度。
Abrasion of shafts widely exists in the production of industry and agriculture. Some abrasion, such as that of generator shaft, bump shaft and drive shaft, will lead to great economic loss and harm. These shafts are expensive and need a long term to produce, so they have higher value to repair. Traditional repair technology is unperfect with lower join-intensity, large distortion and more difficult operation. In this paper we tried to repair the abraded shafts using laser overlaying welding technology and got a good repaired layer which was closely joined with the base of shafts. It's more automatable and easier to repair shafts using laser overlaying welding technology.
Applied Laser