目的 :观察电针对吗啡戒断大鼠学习记忆能力及海马外侧穿通纤维CA3区直接传导通路长时程增强 (LTP)损害的恢复作用 ,并探讨其机制。方法 :慢性腹腔注射吗啡建立SD大鼠吗啡依赖模型。在“足三里”和“三阴交”两穴位处给予吗啡依赖和戒断大鼠多次和单次电针治疗 ,并测试学习记忆能力 ,记录CA3区群体峰电位 ,及观察高频刺激引起的LTP效应。结果 :吗啡戒断大鼠学习记忆能力和LTP效应均受损 ,单次电针治疗对其有一定恢复作用 ,多次电针治疗能完全恢复被损害的学习记忆能力和LTP ,电针效应能被阿片受体抑制剂纳络酮所阻断。结论 :电针穴位通过内源性阿片系统调制吗啡戒断大鼠的突触可塑性。
Objective: To determine if chronic morphine treatm ent affects the rat’s learni ng-memory ability and the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) of hippoca mpal CA3 region, and to examine if electroacupuncture (EA) can improve learning -memo ry and LTP in morphine-dependent rats. Methods: 64 SD rats wer e randomized into co ntrol, morphine-abstinence model, EA-one-session and EA-multi-session grou ps. Mo rphine-abstinence model was established by i.p. of hydrochloride morphine. EA ( 2 Hz, 1~3 mA, 30 min) was applied to bilateral “Zusanli”(ST 36) and “Sany injiao”( SP 6), once and multiple times. The rats’ passive and active avoidance reaction s in a compartment equipped with a grid floor through which an electric shock (40 V) was delivered were used as the indexes of learning-memory. The population spi ke (PS) was recorded from pyramidal cells of CA3 in vivo, following stimulation of lateral perforant path in control and morphine-abstinence rats. For the ind uc tion of LTP, 4 trains (50 shocks/train, 500 Hz) high-frequency tetanic stimula tio ns were applied to lateral perforant path. Results: Results i ndicated that the attack times of morphine withdrawal syndrome of EA-one-session group at 24 h and EA-multi-session group at 24 h, 48 h and 72 h times were significantly fewer than t hose of morphine-abstinence model group (P<0.05). Passive expe riments displayed that the latency values of platform leaving of EA-one-session and EA-multi- sessi on groups were significantly shorter than that of model group (P<0.05). Results of active avoidance experiments indicated that the avoidance-reaction correct r at es of EA-multi-session group on the 1st , 2nd, 3rd days were significantly higher than those of model group , showing an improvement of learning-memory after acupunc tu re. In model group, the amplitude of tetanic stimulation induced PS potential w as attenuated significantly in comparison with that of control group, and those of EA-one-session and EA-multi-session groups were
Acupuncture Research
Morphine abstinence Synaptic plasticity LTP Electroac upuncture