文章从形成与发展、风格与特色和成就与局限三个方面较全面地论述了问题报告文学。认为问题报告文学分为酝酿与萌生、形成与兴盛和分化与发展三个时期 ;其风格特色表现为鲜明的主体人格、强烈的理性精神和宏观综合与学术品格等 ;其成就与贡献是参与和推进了现实改革、强化了文学的现实主义精神、导致了报告文学的文体革命和向传统文论提出了有力挑战 ;其局限与不足是过高估计了文学对政治的作用、在创作方法与表现形式方面存在审美迷失以及题材重复、材料堆砌与手法雷同等。
The article discussed on the form and development, style and characteristie, and achievement and limit of the problem reportage overall. It thought that the problem reportage had divided third diffenrent period of the brew and produce, form and prosperous, and split up and development. The style and characteristic have showed in the striking personality of main body, the strong rational spirit and macro synthesize and the moral character of learning, and so on. The achievement and contribute was participate and push on reality reform, strengthen the realistic spirit of literature and lead to the revolution of tyle of writting of reportage, and pat forward strong challenge to traditional theory ot literatare. The limit and insufficient was estimate excessively the affect of literature to politics and existing the lose of oppreeiation of the beautiful on creative method and form of showing and the repeat of subject, string together material and the duplicate of technique, and so on.
Research of Chinese Literature