The key problems the industrialized countries are now confronted with are theincreasingly serious large scale forest withering and mortality caused by atmospheric pollu-tion. Forest management sectors, especially those responsible for national forest man-agement meet with grave financial crisis; the objective of multi--purpose utilization has notbeen realized; some countries (USA, Japan, the former Germany) still get along by exces-sive reliance on timber import; and there exists a superhigh ratio of private forests which arescattered, not facilitating modern management. The forest industry policy and relevantmeasures of developed countries are: protection and remodelling of existent pure coniferousplantations, and carrying out a strategy of classsified forest management. The industry withsilvicultural responsibility is tending towards development in three independent fields: (1)industrial (or commercial) forestry, (2) public welfare (or ecologic) forestry, (3) multi-functional forestry; development of private forests is guided with administrative meanscombined with economic means; readjustment is made of the forest industry policy and pri-ority is set on developing the production and export of high value--added forest products.The main features of these policies are: (1) under consistent volume of cutting or slight in-crease of cutting to increase the forest product output by developing integrated wood utiliza-tion, (2) to increase the output value of per unit area timber stock by setting priority on de-veloping the finish work (panel, paper, paper board, furniture) and augmenting the process-ing levels, (3) using the non--veneer panel and board as structural and surfacing materialsinstead of sawtimber and plywood which consume great quantity of high quality logs, (4) totake the road of combined forestry and industry with forestry helping the industry and in-dustry promoting the development of forestry. Positive effort has been made to develop theindustry responsible for timber development, and to establish raw
World Forestry Research