目的 探讨全髋关节置换手术中引起肢体不等长的原因以及相应的防治对策。方法 采用术前X线片测量股骨头运动中心至小粗隆的距离及股骨颈截骨高度的方法指导术中对患肢长度的控制。结果 对 4 2例施行人工关节置换术 ,术前测量患肢短缩 - 8 2± 6 5mm ,术后为 - 4 2± 3 5mm ,其中术后肢体等长或长度差异在 5mm以内的为 31例 (73 8% ) ,结果令人满意。结论 全髋置换术后肢体长度的恢复对于提高手术成功率有着重要的意义 ,不能为追求关节的稳定而忽视肢体长度。采用术前X线片测量股骨头运动中心至小粗隆的距离及股骨颈截骨高度来指导术中控制患肢长度的方法较为切实可行。
Objective To explore the cause and the strategy of prevention and cure of inequality in leg length during total hip arthroplasty.Methods Method of measuring the distance between the movement centre of femoral head and the little tuberosity and the height after performing femoral neck osteotomy through radiogram before the operation was used to guidance the control of the leg length during the opration.Results Forty-two patients were performed hip arthroplasy,the average shortness of affected limb measured was -8.2±6.5 mm before opration,and was -4.2±3.5 mm after it.There were 31 patients(73.8%) with equal limb length or length inequality limited in 5mm after operation,and their results were satisfactory.Conclusion Recovering the limb length in the hip arthroplasty is crucial to heighten the successful rate of the arthroplasty.Limb length should not be neglected during the procedure of pursuing the stability of the prosthesis.The method of measuring the distance between the movement centre of femoral head and the little tuberosity and the height after performing femoral neck osteotomy through radiogram before operation is practical.
Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Injury