本研究观察了应用国产原料制备的2%羟丙基甲基纤维素植入AMO 双袢后房型人工晶体,术后1个月内眼内压动态变化及其与术后角膜水肿和炎症反应的关系,以前房注入无菌空气植入人工晶体为对照。结果表明:试验组眼压术后第1天升高明显,术后第2天之后恢复至术前水平。而空气对照组眼压术后第1、2、3天升高明显,术后第5天恢复到术前水平。术后两组同一时期比较,差异不明显。2%HPMC 能使术后角膜水肿和炎症反应较快消失。
The intraocular pressure (IOP) courseduring the first month following intraocularlenses (IOL) implantation with the use of2% HPMC is observed consecutively.Therelationship between IOP and corneaedema,IOP and Tyndall sign is alsoobserved.In the control group,IOL isimplanted with sterilized air.Theexperimental results show as follows:(1) Inthe test group,the IOP increase in the firstday of postoperation is statisticallysignificant (P<0.01).The IOP in theFollowing days decrease gradually to thepreoperative level.This change is notstatistically significant (P>0.05).In thecontrol group,the IOP increase in the first,the second and the third day ofpostoperation is statistically significant (P<0.05).The IOP in the following daysdecrease gradually to the preoperative level.(2) The comparison of IOP between the twogroups is not statistically significant (P>0.05)in the same period.(3) 2% HPMC candecrease cornea edema and intraocularinflammation.(4) The relationship betweenIOP and cornea edema is significant,and therelationship between IOP and Tyndall signis not significant.