CD57是一种分子量为110 KD的糖蛋白,它是人类自然杀伤细胞(NK)和杀伤细胞(K)的特异性表面抗原。用它免疫小鼠产生的抗CD57单克隆抗体可特异性识别人的NK 和K 细胞表面抗原。本文应用ABC 免疫组织化学染色结合葡萄糖氧化酶DAB-硫酸镍铵显色技术研究了CD 57在人胰腺的表达和分布。结果发现,CD 57免疫反应(CD 57一IR)细胞主要分布在胰腺的内分泌部(胰岛),偶见于胰腺外分泌部的腺泡和导管上皮中。多数CD 57-IR 细胞呈典型内分泌细胞的形态特征。相邻切片法证明大多数Glu,SS,HPP 和PS 免疫反应细胞呈CD 57阳性。胰腺内神经纤维亦呈CD 57阳性。少数呈CD 57阳性的NK 和K 细胞散布在胰腺结缔组织中。本文对CD 57免疫反应性在人胰腺内分泌细胞中表达的意义进行了讨论。
CD57,a glycoprotein,is a specificantigen presented on the surface of humannatural killer cells and killer cells.Themonoclonal antibody to CD57 has beenavailable,In this study,the avidin-biotin--peroxidase complex(ABC)technique vi-sualized with glucose oxidase-DAB-nickle(GDN)was used to detect the expressionof CD 57 in endocrine cells of human pa-ncreas.The results showed that the CD 57immunoreactive(CD57-IR)cells were scat-tered throughout human pancreas.Most ofpositive cells were localized in the pancrea-tic islets.Grouped or single cells occurredintercalatedly between acinar cells,as wellas in the epithelium of pancreatic ducts.The anti-CD57-monoclonal antibody stain-ed the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers inall tissues investigated.Alternative sectionsimmunostained with antibodies against bio-active peptides proved the coexistance ofCD57 and Glu,SS,HPP or PS in endoc-rine cells.The significance of the expres-sion of CD57 immunoreactivity in endocr-ine cells of human pancreas was discussed.
Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica