电子政务系统的开发采用基于 J2EE 平台的 UML 技术。以并联审批子系统为例,其用户和受理单位的提交申请、审批、前置审批用 UML 用例图描述,不同对象间的交互顺序用顺序图描述。按照 J2EE 体系结构要求,以建立相应 EJB 组件实现数据库访问逻辑和业务逻辑。并通过 Java 应用服务器 WebLogic 正确配置 JBuilder 与WebLogic,使用部署命令自动生成部署描述符文件,至此完成电子政务系统开发。
The E-government system is developed by unified modeling language (UML) technology based on J2EE platform. Taking coordinate examine and approve subsystem as an example, requisition, examine and approve and forward examine and approve referred by user and unit was described with UML illustration, alternation sequence between different objects was specified with sequence diagram. According to the requirement of J2EE system structure, corresponding EJB component was established to access database and handle operation logic. WebLogic and Jbuilder was configured accurately with Java server WebLogic, and the descriptor files were created automatically by using configure command. Thus, the development of E-government system was completed.
Ordnance Industry Automation