保持近22年之久的固定汇率极大地促进了日本经济的发展,使得日本企业能够长时期不必理会汇率的变化,将全部注意力集中在提高劳动生产率、提高产品质量和扩大产品出口等方面,最终使日本产业获得了重返国际市场的机会。 日元升值并没有给日本的对外贸易造成实际的负面影响,这成为一个悖论,是学术界经常讨论的热门话题之一。 强势日元导致了日本劳动力成本急剧升高,国内物价飞涨,大批日本传统的制造业企业向海外转移劳动密集型生产,致使国内产业空洞化现象逐渐加深。
The fixed exchange rate of Japanese yen lasting for 22 years has enormously spurred Japan's economic development, which also enabled the Japanese enterprises to focus on the improvement of productivity, quality and expansion of exportation without considering the volatility of exchange rate. That finally brought Japanese industry back to the world market. However, the sharp appreciation of yen afterwards didn't take ill effect on Japan's exportation, and this paradoxical evidence has become one of the hotspots among economists worldwide. But the strong yen has led to uprising cost of work force and the soaring price of domestic goods. Many Japanese manufacturers had to transfer their label-intensive business abroad and domestic industry vacancy has worsened gradually.
China Science and Technology Fortune Magazine