目的 :探讨血浆、宫颈分泌物胎儿纤维结合素 (FFN)的表达与自然临产的关系 ,为临床预测自然临床时间提供客观、实用、易操作的检测方法。方法 :随机选择门诊 33~ 36 + 6周、住院待产 37~ 4 0周的孕妇各 5 0例作为研究对象 ,住院待产孕妇同时进行宫颈Bishop评分。结果 :血浆FFN值和宫颈分泌物FFN阳性率随孕周的增加明显升高 ,二者与自然临产孕周有密切关联 ,FFN较宫颈Bishop评分预测宫颈成熟更具客观指标。结论 :FFN是预测自然临产的客观标志 ,宫颈分泌物FFN检测以操作简单、价格适宜优于血浆FFN检测 。
Objective:To explore the relation between the expression of blood plasma, cervical secretion FFN and spontaneous parturition, and to provide objective, practical and early operational test methods for the clinical prediction of spontaneous time in labor. Methods:50 cases of outpatients in 34~36 +6 weeks gestational period and 50 cases of predelivery inpatients were randomly sampled. The inpatients were marked by the cervix Bishop scale.Results:The concentration of blood plasma FFN and the FFN positive rate of cervical secretion were increasing along with gestational period. The gestation period in labor and them was closely related. As an index to forecast cervix mature, FFN is more objective than cervix Bishop scde.Conclusions:FFN is an objective mark to forecast spontaneous time in labor. The test of cervical secretion FFN is better than blood plasma FFN because of its simple operation and cheaper price, and is more helpful on clinical application and dissemination.
Journal of Branch Campus of the First Military Medical University
广东省医学科研基金 (A2 0 0 2 5 4 7)