详细介绍利用红外光谱分析法和热重分析法快速定性定量分析PVC材料及其制品的方法。对于未知样品先用裂解法制样进行红外光谱分析初步定性 ,再用溶解法制样进行红外光谱分析验证 ;PVC材料热分解过程较复杂 ,不能直接从热重检测结果 (TG曲线 )读出各组分含量 ,需将检测结果通过线性回归方程计算得出PVC的含量 ,PVC含量在 30 %~ 80 %范围内具有较好的线性关系 (R =0 .9983)。与传统的分离、分析方法相比 ,此方法具有方便、快速、分析结果准确的优点。
The method of quick qualitative and quantitative analysis of PVC matieral and PVC product by FTIR analysis and thermal-weight analysis was described in detail. For the unbeknown samples, the pyrolyzate is identified primarily by FTIR spectrometeric qualitative analysis, then the primary result is validated by that the solute is identified by FTIR spectrometeric qualitative analysis. The process of pyrolysis of PVC matieral is complicated. The content of components can’t be showed rightly by the sample curve of thermal-weight analysis. The content of PVC may be worked out by the result of thermal-weight detemination. There is good linear relationship in the rangs 30%-80% content of PVC(R=0.9983). The method is more quick and convenient than traditional methods with reliable result.
Engineering Plastics Application