通过对西安外国语学院 10 38名学生中的 10 9名田径运动损伤者的寻访、调研、分析 ,发现造成损伤的原因是思想麻痹大意 ;缺少准备活动或准备活动不科学 ;环境条件不良等。其预防措施是消除麻痹思想 ;注意循序渐进和区别对待 ;重视做好准备活动等。
According to the investigation of 109 students who were injured in the practice of the track and field during the 1 038 students of Xian Foreign Language University,we find that there are some reasons of injury. For example:studnets are off their guard,or they lack in warming up exercise,or their warming up exercise is not scientific,or the condition is bad,etc. The prevention measures are to overcome the careless thoughts,to notice how to proceed in an orderly way and step by step,and how to deal with each case on its merits,and to attach importance to the warming up exercise.
Hubei Sports Science