目的 了解注射吸毒人群HIV、梅毒感染现状 ,为预防控制提供科学依据。方法 HIV用酶联免疫吸附试验 (ELISA)、梅毒用RPR试验 ,收集艾滋病疫情数据进行统计分析。结果 注射吸毒人群艾滋病感染率为 3 32 % ,年龄集中在 30~ 39岁组 ,感染率为 6 4 9% ;梅毒检出率为 3 99% ,以 4 0岁以上年龄组为高 11 76 % ,男女注射吸毒者感染HIV与梅毒的差异无统计学意义。结论 开展高危人群性病艾滋病生物学检测非常必要 ,利于及时发现传染源 ,控制传染源 ,降低其传播与流行。
Objective To study the HIV and Syphi lis infection of the injecting drug user,provide scientific evidences for the co nsequent prevention and control.Method serologic tests were don e for both HIV and Syphilis(ELISA for HIV.RPR-test for Syphilis),and collect the data of the AIDS epidemic situation f or statistical analysis.Result The HIV infection rate of IDU was 3.32%.Especiall y in the people between 30 and 40 years old,the HIV infection rate was 6.49%.Th e Syphilis detection rate was 3.99%.Especially in the people above 40 years old. , the detection rate was 11.76%.But neither the HIV nor Syphilis infection had s exu al statistical relation.Conclusion It was necessary to perform b iological survei llance in the high risk groups,so as to discover the infection source in time,ta ke it under control.and reduce the transmission and epidemic of the diseases.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information