目的 阐述工作倦怠的测量工具和诊断标准。方法 对工作倦怠的三种测量工具和三种诊断标准进行介绍。结果 工作倦怠是指在以人为主要服务对象的职业领域中 ,从业人员所体验到的一种情感耗竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低的症状。工作倦怠的测量有MBI、MBI GS和BM。工作倦怠的诊断存在三种不同的标准。结论工作倦怠的测量和诊断问题的研究近年来进展很快 。
Objective To summarize the measurement instrument and diagnosis criterion of job burnout.Methods Three measurement instruments and three diagnosis criterion of job burnout were introduced and discussed.Results Burnout was a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment that occurred among individuals who did“service work for people' The measurement instruments of burnout were MBI, MBI-GS and BM.There were three different diagnosis criterion for burnout.Conclusions Job burnout is an important factor influencing human health. There has been advances in the research on the measurement and diagnosis of job burnout in recent years.
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers
项目编号 :XK0 3YBXL0 0 3