红海湾海域岛礁众多,有礁栖生物220种,它们大多数属于热带-亚热带暖水性的适高盐种类,其中 经济价值高的海珍品种类很多。该湾是广东沿海重要的海洋生物自然生态栖息保护区之一,礁滩增殖具有广阔的 前景。
There are more islands and reefs in Honghai Bay,and there are 220 species of reef organisms which belong to tropical-subtropical region and live in high salinity waters in this Bay.There are more high commercial values species.The Bay is the one of important nature reserve of marine organisms in Guangdong coastal,developing of proliferation in rocky zone possess broad prospects.
Shandong Fisheries