The study of soil infiltration law can be divided into two studies of the continue and the intermittent soil in- filtration laws as the new water saving irrigation techniques appearance of intermittent or surge flow irrigation. The soil infiltration law is also effected by the irrigation technique parameters except the constraint factors of the continue infil- tration in the intermittent infiltration condition. The large amount of experiments and more complex can be formed by the factors increasing and the space and time variation of the field soil in the intermittent infiltration. For the reasons of enhancing the results precision and working efficiency, the single point infiltration experiment of the double rings infil- tration device has been introduced by the author according to the 141 set experiments of single point continue and inter- mittent soil infiltration in the Baojixia irrigation district in the period of 1991 winter to 1992 spring. The feasible mea- sures for enhancing the precision of soil intermittent infiltration experiment has also been developed for reference.
intermittent infiltration
experiment precision
double rings infiltration device