After analyzing health financing methods , a model was suggested for studytng the relationship between health financing and health care-seeking and prescribing behaviors as well as indicators and data collection methods . After intreducing som researchresults, suggestions were made for health financing reform in China. It seemed that health financing and paymenty mechanismsinflucnced patients' and doctors' behaviors and drug use. Compaed to uninsured patients, the insared had more chances to get neweror nlore expensive drugr, inoatient care and to be referred to a higher health facility and consume more health resources. Health insruce hased on fee-for-service could lead to a higher growth of health expenditure(especially curative care expewhtare) includingdrugs. Physicians might change their prescriptions according to patient's health financing and financial ability. They also thoughbonus related to services or prescriptions had an incentive to overuse of drugs. It is suggested that relevant decision makers shouldconsider patients' and doctors' behaviors in the use of health seriices in making or changing health financing and payment mechamisms . While puhlishing a new health financing method, decision makers should have some measures to control the behaviors of usinghealth care in order to lessen the waste of health resources and make the new method work smoothly. It was the suggeted that relevanthealth authorities should study the situation of rational use of drugs in onier to decrease health costs and improve health care quality.
Chinese Health Resources