以南华大学外国语学院英语专业二年级 4 4名本科生为对象 ,用SPSS统计软件包分析研究了学生英语成绩及若干专业技能和自信心的相关性。研究结果表明 :(1)学生英语成绩与自信心呈中度正相关 ;(2 )在听写、听力、阅读、写作这四项单项能力方面 ,听写和听力是与自信心相关性最高的两个 ,而完形填空和阅读与自信心不相关 ,并就研究结果对于英语教学的启示进行了讨论。
With the aid of the measures in psychology and SPSS,this paper presents initiative probe into the correlation between self confidence and English achievements,and the correlation between self confidence and specific skills as well by means of the research into 44 English majors in their second year The results show:(1)self confidence is positively related to English achievements to a mediate extent;(2)among dictation,listening,vocabulary & structure and writing,dictation and listening are the highest two related to self confidence;while cloze and reading are not related to self confidence Implications for teaching is also presented in the end
Journal of Hengyang Normal University