采用从寄生部位分离和单卵囊感染技术,对现场采集的鸡球虫混合种进行单种纯化,获得了毒害艾美球虫(Eimeria necatrix)。该种卵囊呈卵圆形,经测240个卵囊,平均为19.06±1.54×16.50±1.26 μm,形状指数1.16。测120个孢子囊,平均为11.27±0.70×6.21±0.51μm。无卵囊残体和孢子囊残体,未观察到卵膜孔和极帽。最短孢予化时间为19小时,感染后最早排出时间143小时,最大裂殖体68.75×66.25μm。用此卵囊1万、5万、10万和20万个分别感染10日龄伊莎公鸡,结果感染5~20万个卵囊组的死亡率为41.67~50.00%,感染组的肠道病变记分为1.33、3.42、3.67和3.83,其平均增重与不感染对照组差异极显著(P<0.01)。E.necatrix对鸡致病性很强,在生产上需高度重视,做好预防工作。
Using parasitic site isolating and single oocyst infected techniques, we have gained pure spe- cies of Eimeria necatrix from mixed species of chicken coccidia in field. The oocyst shape is ovoidal. The average length and width of 240 oocysts examined is 19.06±1.54×16.50±1.26μm. The shape index is 1.16. The mean length and width of 120 sporocysts examined is 11,27± 0.70×6.21±0.51 μm. The oocyst has no extra- and intra-residual body. The micropyle and po- lar cap are not found. The minimum sporulatic time and prepatent period are 19 and 143 hours. The maximum schizont is 68.75× 66.25μm. 48 male chicken (10 days of age) are infected with 1 × 10~4, 5 × 10~4, 10 ×10~4 and 20×10~4 sporulatic oocysts, respectively. The results showed that the mortality of the chickens, which are infected with 5~20×10~4 oocysts, are 41.67~50.00% and the intestine lesion scoring of 4 infected groups are 1.33, 3.42, 3.67 and 3.83, respectively. The difference of mean body weight gain is very significant (P<0.01) between inoculated group and non-inoculated group.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Parasitology