公共卫生支出从性质上属于具有较强外部正效应的准公共物品 ,具有典型的非排他性 ,因此 ,主要应由政府进行提供。从横向和纵向对比 ,我国的公共卫生支出虽然从建国以来取得了令人瞩目的成绩 ,但和世界其它国家相比 ,仍存在较大问题 ,如支出总量偏低、支出结构欠合理、支出体系存在缺陷等。因此 ,在公共财政下构建与之相应的公共卫生支出体制 ,对于促进经济发展、全面建设小康社会、提高人民大众的健康水平都有极为重要的意义。
Public health Outlays belong to exact public production with positive external effect and typical non-exclusion. Therefore, government mainly provides them. Through crosswise and lengthways contrast, our country have made great development in public health outlays since established, but there are still so many problems compared with the other country in the world, such as low expenditure, unreasonable structure of expenditure and flaws in expenditure system,etc. Therefore, it's very important that set up corresponding system of public health outlays under commonality finance to accelerate the economic development, build our society and enhances the health level of the public. Authors′address International Commercial College, Shanxi Normal School, Shanxi Province, P.R. China.
Chinese Health Service Management