Transethmoido-sphenoidal removal ofpituitary tumors was performed in a series of 135cases. Postoperative CSF rhinorrhea was foundin 5 patients,2 of them recovered spontaneouslyand 3 of them were recovered by subsequent surgical treatment through the initial approach. Themajority of patients have complete or incompleterecovery with following-up period of 6~54months. There was no operative mortality in thisseries. The depth of transethmoido-sphenoidalapproach is 1/3 shorter than that of transnaso-sphenoidal approach, and the passage oftransethmoido-sphenoidal approach would formin a funnel shape,which made the operative pro-cedure more easy and the patients more comfort-able after operation. The indications and resultswere similar to the transnaso-sphenoidal ap-proach. The only troublesome was a short scarremained on the face, but it could be improvedsignificantly by means of intradermal suture.