教育作为对人力资本的投资通过内部作用和外溢作用推动经济增长 ,经济增长又进一步支持教育的发展 ,从而进入良性循环。在此理论认识的基础上 ,本文利用Granger因果检验来考察教育投资与农业增长之间是否存在相应的因果关系 ,实证分析教育的外溢作用是否渗透到农业部门。本文认为 ,在我国现阶段 ,教育投资与农业增长之间尚未表现出明显的因果关系 ,并对其中的原因做出了初步分析和解释。
ducation accelerates economic growth including agriculture with the externality and internality of human capital, while economic growth will support education development further, they both then go into good cycle. Base on this theoretical cognition the paper applies Granger Causal Relation Test to examine if there is Granger causal relation between the investment of education and the growth of agriculture, and then, empirically research if externality of education permeates in agricultural sector. The result of the study for China shows there is no obvious causal relation between them, and the authors of the paper attempt to provide elementary analysis and explanation.
China Rural Survey