明初朱元璋对《琵琶记》的肯定 ,是对戏曲身份地位某种程度的一种认可。昆曲的出现 ,是文人戏曲形成的标志。昆曲的审美思想受到明初“教化剧”创作的深刻影响 ,随着明中叶昆曲的兴盛 ,“雅正”思想开始确立 ,有鲜明的士大夫化、政治化、伦理化倾向 ;以明末清初阮大铖、李渔的创作为转折 ,昆曲审美出现“寓道德于诙谑”的趋向 ,将文人教化职能与士大夫娱乐享受的目标融为一体 ,从而使昆曲成为更具普泛性的文人戏曲。
The emperor Zhu Yuan zhang’s positive attitude to Tales of Lute in the early years of Ming dynasty was a sanction to the identity and status of drama. The emergence of Kunqu symbolizes the formation of literati drama. The aesthetic values in Kunqu were strongly affected by the creation of morality drama at the same period. With the flourishing of Kunqu in the middle of Ming dynasty, the aesthetic values of elegance and uprightness were established with a noticeable trend to scholarly bureaucracy, politics and ethics. These aesthetic values were changed to the principle of “morality in humor” when Ruan Dacheng and Li Yu began publishing their works from the late Ming to the beginning of Qing. It combined delight and entertainment from both the literati and the bureaucrats, thus making Kunqu a more generalized and extensive literati drama.
Literature & Art Studies