社会语用学 ,跟其他语用学理论一样 ,都要研究意义。它的特点是强调语言使用者的社会属性对于意义的产生和理解的影响。社会语用学批评格赖斯 ,认为他过于注重交际意图对于意义的产生和理解的作用 ,忽视他们所关注的语言使用者的社会属性及其作用。本文就社会语用学对格赖斯的一些批评进行评价 ,认为这些批评是基于对格赖斯的错误理解。
Societal pragmaticists accuse (Neo )Gricean pragmatics of ignoring socio cultural factors, and of being ethnocentric. Attardo (1998) presents a useful and timely defence of Neo Gricean pragmatics, but he shares with critics the mistaken belief that Grice was principally interested in the question of the design of a theory of conversation. Many criticisms of Gricean pragmatics in fact can be defused if it is remembered that it is conceptual analysis, and not sociological analysis, that underpins the Gricean inquiry. It is also pointed out that one of the Gricean themes that has not attracted the attention in the linguistics community that it deserves is his defence of material implication.
Contemporary Linguistics