在自制XA Ⅱ型轴流血泵的基础上 ,结合计算机辅助设计 (computer aideddesign ,CAD)以及计算机流场分析 (computationalfluiddynamics ,CFD) ,通过改变泵的结构、叶片螺距、密封方式、材料加工手段自行研制和加工出一款微型轴流血泵XA ⅡA型血泵。它由泵体、直流无刷电机、钛合金叶轮、陶瓷轴承等部件构成 ,材料TC4钛合金 ,总重量 2 4 5g。在体外流量实验中 ,分别测量血泵的动力学输出、流量输出要求、产热以及密封性能。结果显示XA ⅡA型血泵能够满足设计的要求 ,在 12 0h连续运转过程中 ,血泵表面温度变化较小 ,而且密封性能很好。
We redesigned and manufactured new XZ-ⅡA axial-flow pump by changing the XA-Ⅱ axial-flow pump body's shape, screw-pitch, materials seal and machining methods, combining computer-acided design and computational fluid dynamics. The XZ-ⅡA pump was constructed by a housing, a brushless DC motor, TC4 alloy wanes, ceramic bearing. The pump is made of TC4 alloy and its weight is 245g. In vitro experiment, we measured the pump′s dynamics output, the surface temperature during 120 hour's continuous working and the sealing performance. The result showed that XA-ⅡA could satisfy the design demand, the surface temperature of the pump didn't increase obviously and the sealing performance was very well.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
北京市自然科学基金 ( 3 0 42 0 0 8)资助