用HRP顺、逆行追踪方法,研究了鸣禽黄雀(Carduelis spinus)端脑上纹状体腹侧尾核(HVc)的传出投射。向HVc注入HRP后,在端脑古纹状体粗核(RA)、古纹状体背束及嗅叶X区出现了标记纤维或终末。在端脑新纹状体前部的大细胞核内侧部(mMAN)、中部的界面核(NIf)、尾中部的端脑听区、丘脑uvaeformis(Uva)核及脑桥蓝斑见到大量逆行标记细胞。以上投射均为同侧性。本研究认为:1.起源于HVc的轴突投射至控制发声的高位中枢RA,进一步说明HVc也是控制发声的高位中枢。2.HVc接受端脑听区的传入投射。表明端脑听觉与发声的高位中枢之间有直接联系。3.本研究证明HVc接受蓝斑的传入投射,提示HVc也参与植物性与情绪性反应的调节。4.HVc还接受mMAN、NIf及Uva的传入投射,并发出纤维投射至X区。这些核团是参与发声学习与记忆的中枢因此HVc可能也司发声学习与记忆等功能。
The efferent and afferent projections of the hyperstriatum ventrale, pars caudal nucleus (HVc) in carduelis spinus were investigated using anterograde and retrograde HRP tracing techniques. After injecting HRP into the HVc, anterogradely labelled fibers and terminals were observed in the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), tractus archistriatum dorsalis (DA) and the area X of lobus parolfactorius. The dense retrogradely labelled cell bodies were found in medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (mMAN), nucleus interfacialis (NIf) of midneostriatum, telencephalic auditory area--field L of the neostriatum, and locus ceruleus (LoC) of pons. All these projections were ipsilateral. Based on the present and previous studies, the authors got the following understanding: 1. The HVc projects to the high vocal control centre--RA. This proved that the HVc is also a high vocal control nucleus. 2. The HVc receives afferent projections from the telencephalic auditory area--field L. It indicates that there are direct connection between the two high centres of audition and vocal control nuclei in telencephalon. 3. This study demonstrated that the HVc receives afferent projection from the LoC for the first time. According to the fact, we presume that HVc may be involved in the neural regulations of vegetative function and emotional reactions. 4. The HVc also receives afferent projections from the mMAN and NIf of neostriatum, and from the Uva of the thalamus. On the other hand the HVc projects to area X. Since the mMAN, NIf, Uva and area X are vocal learning and memory centres, therefore the HVc may be also involve in vocal learning and memory functions.
Acta Anatomica Sinica
Hyperstriatum ventrale pars caudal nucleus
Vocal centre
Fiber connection
HRP tracing method
Carduelis spinus