
宋儒张载“以易为宗”思想探析 被引量:1

A Probe into and analysis on ZHANG Zai's ideology of "putting Yi in the first place
摘要 张载是宋代理学的奠基者,也是四大学派之——关学的开创者。他的成就得到理学家们的肯定,如程颢、程颐将他与孟子、韩愈相比;朱熹于《伊洛渊源录》中,将其与周敦颐、邵雍、二程并列;《近思录》也选录许多张载言论,以为门生弟子进学之助。而后代统治阶层的重视,也可看出他的影响:宋理宗封他为 伯,从祀孔庙。元代赵复立周敦颐祠,以张载与程、朱配食。《宋史道学传》为他立传,颂扬他的德业。他的著作在明、清二代是开科取士的必读书目,并于清初编入御纂《性理大全》和《性理精义》中,可见张载在理学发展上的贡献与地位。 As one of the forunders of the Confucian School of Idea of the Song Dynasty, ZHANG Zai is also the originator of the Guan School, one of the four big Confucian schools then. His achievements won praise by the Confucian scholars of the School of Idea. For example, CHENG brothers compared him with Mencius and HAN Yu (a famous Confucian of the Tang Dynasty); ZHU Xi ranked him in the positions of ZHOU Dun-yi, SHAO Yong and CHENG brothers in his. Yi-luo-yuan-yuan-lu all selected many statements of ZHANG in his Jin-si-lu to enhance his disciples' level. His influence can also be seen from later controlling class emphasis on his ideology: Emperor Li of the Song Dynasty honored him with the tittle of 'Count Mei' and let him be offered with sacrifices in the Confucius' Temple. ZHAO Fu in the Yuan Dynasty built the Temple for ZHOU Dun-yi, accompanied with ZHANG Zai, CHENG Brothers and ZHU Xi. The History of the Song Dynasty owns a biography for him to extol his virtue and achievernents. His works became a compulsory examination course in the imperial examinations in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In addition, his works were.compiled into the Complete Collection of Nature & Idea and the Essence of Nature & Idea under the order of the emperor in the early Qing Dynasty. Therefore,ZHANG’s contributions and status in the history of the development of the Confucian School of Idea can be obviously seen.
作者 孙剑秋
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第2期50-56,共7页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 宋明理学 张载 易学 Confucian School of Idea ZHANG Zai I Ching Learning
  • 相关文献


  • 1张载集[Z].台北:里仁书局,1979. 被引量:1
  • 2廖名春等著..周易研究史[M].长沙:湖南出版社,1991:468.
  • 3宋元学案[Z].北京:世界书局,1983. 被引量:1
  • 4侯外庐等主编..宋明理学史[M].北京:人民出版社,1984:774.
  • 5王夫之.周易外传[M].北京:中华书局,1977.. 被引量:36
  • 6熊十力著..读经示要[M],1984:518.
  • 7《周易研究史》 被引量:1
  • 8《河南程氏文集卷九》 被引量:1











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