采用放射免疫法对 2 0名少年运动员 ,在 1 0 0W恒定负荷运动条件下的血浆降钙素基因相关肽 (CGRP)含量进行了测定。结果表明 :血浆CGRP含量在运动 30分钟后即刻较安静时上升 1 9% (P <0 .0 5) ;与对照组相比无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5)。结合有关心功能指标提示
The radioimmunoassay has been used to test the contents of plasma Calcitonin Geng-related Peptiede(CGRP) of 20 juvenile athletes with constant 100W exercise load.The result shows that CGRP got an increase of 19%(P<0.05)after 30-minute exercise compared with that in normal condition and the specifications of plasma CGRP were not signifieantly different in the control group of athletes.We came to a conclusion that the medium-intensity exercise for heart tolerance was able to cause a remarkable increase of plasma CGRP.
Shandong Sports Science & Technology